The Benefits of Protein Powders & Why You Should Take Them

Protein is an essential component of every cell in your body. Your body requires protein to both build and repair tissues. Also, proteins are key building blocks. Muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, blood, hormones, and numerous other chemicals in the body benefit. Protein is a macronutrient. This means your body requires relatively large quantities of it. Protein powders are a great way to give your body more protein after exercising. That’s why we will be going over the benefits of protein powders and why you should take them.

There’s a common myth that consuming protein will build muscle. However, that is not exactly true. In fact, the only way to build muscle is by exercising. If you are exercising though, protein helps you build muscle. You will achieve that toned appearance you are after. You will also boost your metabolism to help you to slim down.

Protein powders can be a great way to boost your protein intake. A typical protein shake contains around 25g of protein. This is the equivalent of roughly four eggs or a small chicken breast. Whey, casein, and other milk-based protein powders are made from milk. The difference is that the carbohydrates and fats removed. This means you can boost your protein intake without taking on the extra fats and carbs.

The following are the most common protein powders you will come across.

  • Whey – This is the most common protein used in protein powders. Your body will absorb, making it great for right after a workout.
  • Casein – You will absorb this protein powder slowly, which is rich in glutamine. That is an amino acid which benefits your post-workout recovery. Since its more slowly absorbed, casein is great before bed so your body is fed with protein throughout the night.
  • Soy – This is a great plant-based alternative for those who are vegetarian or vegan, since it still contains all of the essential amino acids.

Protein powders are incredibly beneficial to increase protein intake quickly and are relatively affordable. Also, you should know that while many people make the mistake of substituting protein powders for real food (chicken, fish, eggs, etc.), you should only take protein powders to supplement your existing diet.

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